On a fun side project L&L Extreme had the pleasure of working with Peter and his team on Charon.
With specialized hubs built by Extreme our starter clutches became a pivital part of the drive system.
Peter Hudsons Charon At burning man 2011
A 34 foot tall kinetic sculpture consisting of 20 animated skeletons. Built from steel, aluminum, and wood, and weighing in at over 7 tons.

Extreme Starter clutches can be used in applications other than just a starter clutch
I would like to thank Peter Hudson and Crew for the Invitation to Burning Man and hospitality they showed me while I was there.

With the success of Charon I was invited to work with Peter and Crew on his next burning man project Eternal Return

Here are a few pictures of Eternal Return,
Unfortunately video shutter speed and the strobe rate of Eternal return did not work well together and you probably wont find any good video.Certainly nothing that will do it justice. You had to be there and if you were you know how awsome a sight it was to see.